Rage and Frustration

Heavy Metal Reviews & Interviews

Xenoglyph – Spiritfraud

Xenoglyph – Spiritfraud

This is a perfect summer black metal album that doesn’t drain the light, nor does it run towards the sun. Enjoy, my fellow homo sapiens!

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Vile Ritual – Tongues of the Exanimate

Vile Ritual – Tongues of the Exanimate

As black metal and death metal, generally speaking, rise in popularity, and show no signs of slowing down any time soon, we can still find black/death metal hidden away underneath all the grime of the underground.

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Det Eviga Leedent – Reverence

Det Eviga Leedent – Reverence

Det Eviga Leedent brings us their sophomore album, ‘Reverence’ with Jacob Buczarski (Mare Cognitum and Acathexis) on vocals, and man! Did they deliver on this one!

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Anti Ritual – Expel The Leeches

Anti Ritual – Expel The Leeches

Lyrically, Anti Ritual speak to the rising wave of fascism (in opposition, of course), the environmental catastrophe we have collectively caused, the oppression of capitalism, and more. In other words, they have every right to be incredibly pissed off. We all do. 

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Interview with Discarnatus

Interview with Discarnatus

Interview with the mighty Discarnatus from Grand Rapids, as well as a live track captured in their rehearsal space and an earlier live set from Mulligans.

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All previous content is available on the old R&F Blogspot site indefinitely.