Get Wasted thrashes hard, the way crossover is supposed to, with a ton of hardcore punk attitude and energy.
Get Wasted thrashes hard, the way crossover is supposed to, with a ton of hardcore punk attitude and energy.
…the Texas quintet do so in a slow burn thrash track that is reminiscent of the classic thrash I grew up on, in terms of grit and delivery.
This release has real riffs, played well, and yet retains that rugged feeling through production choices.
Moshing and headbanging will ensue with each listen, of which there have been (and will continue to be) many.
[The album] cuts sharply through the uninspired masses of extreme metal, forward thinking, but calling forth the masters of the past. Raise your horns and bang your head.
That was how things rolled back in the day folks, along with a lot of tape trading, pen pals and obscure handwritten zines that would be distributed by the most strange ways…
File this one under bands to watch.
Detroit and thrash metal are a natural pairing. It follows that the city responsible for some of the loudest and fastest cars ever made would produce human beings with a propensity for loud and fast music.