FEATURE: Gråt Strigoi – The Prophetic Silence (Review + Interview)
This is one of those goosebump raising albums that requires a few moments of stillness to recenter yourself when it ends.
This is one of those goosebump raising albums that requires a few moments of stillness to recenter yourself when it ends.
They remain one of the freshest boundary pushers on the edge of heavy music and are worth exploring.
Science Progresses One Funeral At A Time is a terrific piece of work, haunting, cathartic, beautiful, and devastating.
Atrocity Machine is a revelation – an evolutionary leap forward for a band that has essentially a perfect discography prior to this album.
It’s a scathing powerviolence attack with elements of grind, death metal, groove, and noise filtered through a lens of pure, unadulterated rage.
Enjoy Hayduke’s Top 50 of 2021 list.
I can count on any Sentient Ruin release to be well crafted, challenging in some way, and aesthetically interesting.
Using drone, ambient noise, doom riffs and drumming, cello, and mesmerizing vocals, the duo of Reggie Townley and Sarah Townley create a masterpiece of rich soundscapes that draw me into another world.