Niboowin – giving in (Review + Interview)
I just walk away from listening each time feeling like I’ve grown or changed in some vaguely satisfying way, like I’ve achieved a catharsis I didn’t even really know I needed.
I just walk away from listening each time feeling like I’ve grown or changed in some vaguely satisfying way, like I’ve achieved a catharsis I didn’t even really know I needed.
Our very belated round up (my fault, not Andy’s) of our favorite releases in March.
Science Progresses One Funeral At A Time is a terrific piece of work, haunting, cathartic, beautiful, and devastating.
This makes the compilation highly listenable as a continuous experience (I do not always find this is the case with various artist compilations).
Skronky riffs ride the bass like a cowboy on a bull, except it’s the cowboy (guitars) that is wild.
For something so off kilter, the three tracks are incredibly fluid, with a subtle beauty.
Acoustic sounding parts are included in a few places to contrast the melancholic and dissonant riffing which divides the rest of the album into a frothing sea of emotion.
Abrasive in a cathartic way, Old Patterns picks and tears off mental scabs to allow for proper healing.
Niboowin are a fledgling project, but their roots in other projects show through in their immediate excellence on this their first release.