FEATURE: Gråt Strigoi – The Prophetic Silence (Review + Interview)
This is one of those goosebump raising albums that requires a few moments of stillness to recenter yourself when it ends.
This is one of those goosebump raising albums that requires a few moments of stillness to recenter yourself when it ends.
I just walk away from listening each time feeling like I’ve grown or changed in some vaguely satisfying way, like I’ve achieved a catharsis I didn’t even really know I needed.
TL;DR – Lust Hag by Lust Hag is a dark, swirling, yet well balanced masterpiece of raw black metal tension.
I recently had the opportunity to ask Erech Leleth some questions about his work as a musician.
Why: Because Body Void whips ass, obviously, and it turns out so do Graboids and Pillar of Light
Allow the annihilation.
Though the album is explosive, there is plenty of room for nuance
“Calling ourselves antifascist by no means takes away the ferocity of this music. Our teeth are just bared in a different direction, and dripping with different blood.”
Skronky riffs ride the bass like a cowboy on a bull, except it’s the cowboy (guitars) that is wild.