Burden of Ymir – Heorot
This is music for singing along in drunken voices, for rousing the spirit of warriors before battle, or for dancing, full of glee, through the moshpit.
This is music for singing along in drunken voices, for rousing the spirit of warriors before battle, or for dancing, full of glee, through the moshpit.
Dynamic pacing, well thought out composition, a strong vocal performance, and earworm riffing all contribute to making this an album well worth hearing.
A strong ambient blur brings you into a reminiscent period where for a split second you can duplicate the complexity of emotions and feelings you gave birth to while being in the center of life, light, and love.
This time, each band offers a track to the release, as they did last time, but in addition, they sandwich a collaborative track in the middle. Big picture, this split is everything I’d hoped it would be.
What a year it’s been! There is no way a top 50 album is enough to truly express the fantastic year of music that was 2018. Nevertheless, check it out, comment, agree, argue, enjoy!
Arallu play a style of black metal owing a debt to the early masters, but infusing their music with traditional middle eastern instruments.
This would most definitely translate into a great party album for drinking ale and mead to.
Hayduke interviews Butchered, founding member of Jerusalem based Arallu.
V Starodavnie Goda is a romping album that calls to mind a medieval tavern filled with victorious warriors after battle.
Melodic death metal is the order of the day. Upon this foundation, the band uses folk flourishes, including a violin, to round out the sound.