Rage and Frustration
Heavy Metal Reviews & Interviews

Suffering Hour – In Passing Ascension
Band – Suffering Hour
Album – In Passing Ascension
Country of Origin – USA
Genre – Death Metal
Release Date – May 26th, 2017
Label – Blood Harvest Records
Author – Hayduke X
I have often said in the past that I’m not really a death metal fan. I think it’s time to admit that I was just listening to the wrong kind of death metal. Suffering Hour is very much the right kind of death metal. On In Passing Ascension, they prove themselves masters at taking the listener on a journey. Allow me to act as your tour guide today, while I point out the highlights of said journey.
First of all, should you choose to venture forth on the path laid before us by the Minneapolis trio, know that you will be locked in until the path ends. Suffering Hour hooks into your mental flesh and drags you viscerally through their world. It’s as if they reach through your intestines, grab your spine, and bodily carry you along. The path they provide is full of left turns, uphill climbs, sudden drops, spirally madness, and all manner of dynamically vicious changes. There is no padding, so the trip is often uncomfortable. Am I scaring you off? I hope not, as the path laid before you is worth every bump, every bruise, every wound. Follow along.
The first monument to draw our attention is IsN, hammering away at a drum kit possessed with brutally percussive force. Whether nuanced or blasting, IsN uses the perfect touch to bore into your being, hammering through the dense parts, and tenderly, precisely rending the tender. Next, we see a monument to destructive oblivion. While IsN is performing his soul surgery, DgS wields his bass to rattle your psyche loose, that it may long wander in the dark recesses of the world herein created. Feel the power of his mighty hammer. The third waypoint is YhA with his riff machine. With riffs both blackened and dissonant, his guitar is the lantern in the dark we seek to follow, never quite catching, always just out of the circle of light. Finally, all three work together to whisper devastation into your very being. Vocals are shared, bleak, harsh, and unforgiving.
Are you intrigued yet? You should be. In Passing Ascension is a masterpiece from a scene (Minneapolis, MN) that is RED HOT right now. This album really does get into your head. The effect is utter bleakness and evil presence. Feel the power.
Recommendation: Skyrocketing up my year end list.
Rating: 5/5